Order 66

Hey! Remember Order 66 from Star Wars Revenge of the Sith where the Emperor ordered the Stormtroopers to annihilate the Jedi? Good times. While I am not annihilating any Jedi, I am still annihilating pounds. It's been a while since my last update, partially because of the holiday season so it feels good to be updating this blog. So we left off with me finally cutting my long hair having successfully hitting my weight loss goal of going from 307 to 250. So out with the old and in with the new...My new goal now is getting down to 225 by May. Again, I have now preached "be realistic" and "don't put specific numbers and dates to your goals" and I firmly stand by that...but now I am challenging myself. Even if I lose only 1 pound between now and May, I'll be happy. I lost wight and that was the point. But I've hit a pretty big goal in losing the 57 pounds so why not have fun with this? It is a very cold, snowy, and windy day in January as I write this...